Monday, January 13, 2025

Hello ... ello ... llo ... lo ... o?

I started this blog in 2006, and it looks like 2024 was the first year I failed to make even one post. Oh well. I sat down tonight to write something reflective and profound, but then remembered I'm completely incapable of profundity. 

I Googled "profound" for an image search, and most of the results
were like this. Apparently Profound is the name of a skin tightening
treatment? Somehow, it seems apropos.

I don't have much to say these days. Actually, that's not true. I still have a lot to say, I just don't really feel like sitting down and writing it. Middle age has wrought a lot of changes in me. One is that I don't generally think of myself as a writer anymore. I guess I finally gave up. 

So rather than try to say something profound, I thought I'd share this funny review I just saw on Amazon, left for my book Washington's Nightmare. It was posted a couple of years ago, but I'm just seeing it for the first time. Most of the reviews are really good. If that weren't true, this would probably bother me more than it does. But instead, I just think it's funny. 
...[T]he writing is so amateurish that I began to wonder about the accuracy of the facts the author presents. His attempt to explain socialism is so riddled with errors that it is laughable, and his attempt to explain the difference between capitalism and socialism reads as though it had been lifted from a children's book.

It's kind of funny because I spent a lot of time writing that chapter on the Socialist Party, and since I knew I wasn't an expert on the topic, I actually had an acquaintance of mine - a retired Social Studies teacher - read over my explanation of socialism and give me pointers. I thought, at the end, I'd done a pretty decent job of providing an easy-to-understand overview. Oh well, can't please everyone! 


Elissa Christmas said...

I would like to see you writing again even if it's just small essays like this. I get why you don't though. If the motivation isn't there, it isn't there. You can't force it. I wish you wouldn't term it as having given up though. You always lean too much on some sort of external validation to prove that you're a "real writer". If you write, you are a writer.

Scott said...

Being a writer implies, to me, having an audience, preferably paying, but at least existing.