Monday, April 04, 2011

Follow Me On Twitter


I've tried Twitter in the past and quit, but I'm going to start a new Twitter account (actually, it's the same one I always had, but it's been renamed).  It's based  on a post from Lisa LeBon's blog about some creepy dude in a van who stopped randomly in front of her house and asked her if he could buy her car (which is not for sale).  She hilariously referred to him as the Psycho Van Creeper, and I've decided to take on the name in Twitter (I briefly flirted with the idea of changing the name of my blog to this).  It was too long for Twitter, however, so I had to change "psycho" to "syko."

Anyway, you can follow me @SykoVanCreeper on Twitter now, if you want.  I can't promise I will keep up with it, though.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love if you WOULD keep up with it though!!!! That picture is hilarious!