Monday, February 27, 2012

Widow's Walk: Free Promotion

Those of you who have bought and devoured (ha!) my short story collection "Serendipity...And Other Stories," will be familiar with the short novella "Widow's Walk," which makes up part of that collection.  I have received a number of positive reviews and comments from readers on this story in particular.

Recently, after doing a bit of research on free promotions offered to Amazon authors, I decided to publish Widow's Walk individually, and offer it for free.  The purpose of a free promotion is simply to get your work out there to a wider reading audience - the hope being that if they like the free book, they might open their wallets to buy more.

So Widow's Walk is available, starting today, for free from Amazon.  The promotion will run until this Friday, March 2nd.  After that, it will cost 99 cents.  I would make it free forever, but I don't think Amazon allows you to do that - or, if they do, I haven't figured out how yet.

In any case, here's the link to the book: Widow's Walk

I really like the cover I did for this one...the picture is one that I took myself, and it features the house, on 2nd Street in Lexington, Kentucky, that inspired the story itself.  I did a bit of tinkering with it in Photoshop.

Anyway, I would appreciate as many downloads as I can get.  As always, if you don't have a Kindle, you can download a free Kindle app for your tablet, phone, computer, etc., from Amazon.  And there is a link for that below this blog post.  


laura thomas said...

I really like the cover art. Look forward to reading your book. Thanks so much.

Scott said...

Thanks Laura!

Scott said...

Thanks to everyone who downloaded the book. The promo was a great success.