Saturday, October 15, 2011

Short Story Collection

As my regular readers will readily notice, I've become certifiably addicted to publishing my back catalogue of writing on

Today, I've published a second collection, this time a selection of my best short stories from roughly 1996 to 2006.  There are ten stories in all, with a variety of themes.  Many of them are what I would call "creepy" (making this the perfect time of year to read them), but there are also several others with varied themes, from political and humorous, to provocative and suggestive.  I've also included my four favorite stories from my so called "Great War" Series - stories about World War I.

Link to the book on Serendipity...And Other Stories

If you don't have a Kindle, you can download a free Kindle App from

Whether you purchase the book or not, you can help me out by clicking the "Like" button on the book's Amazon page.  Also, if you do buy the book, and enjoy the stories, I would greatly appreciate if you would write a review and post it to the book's page.  These things help tremendously.

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